What Muscles Does An Elliptical Work?

What Muscles Does An Elliptical Work?

An elliptical trainer is a stationary exercise machine that provides an effective, low-impact cardiovascular workout. While many people think of the elliptical as primarily a lower body workout, the truth is that this machine works a variety of muscle groups throughout your body, providing a well-rounded workout. But do you know What Muscles Does An Elliptical Work? 

An elliptical is a great low-impact exercise machine for anyone looking to add cardio and strength training into their routine. Ellipticals provide a full body workout, targeting both the upper and lower body. It works the quads, hamstrings, glutes, inner/outer thighs, chest, shoulders, triceps and biceps.

What Muscles Does An Elliptical Work

To learn more about “What Muscles Does An Elliptical Work?“, follow our article below. This blog post will explore the different muscle groups that are used when elliptical training. Plus, we will provide tips on how to make your elliptical workouts more effective. Let’s get started!

What Muscles Are Used When Using An Elliptical?


Quadriceps are a large group of muscles located in the front and sides of the thighs. These muscles are responsible for extending the knee joint, and they also work to stabilize the knee during activities such as walking and running. Quadriceps are often worked during elliptical workouts, as they can help to increase power and endurance while reducing the risk of injury to the knees.

One of the main benefits of working the quadriceps is that they can help to improve knee stability. This is especially important for people who are prone to knee injuries, as weak quadriceps can cause the knee joint to become unstable and more likely to be injured. Quadriceps exercises on an elliptical machine can help to strengthen these muscles and improve knee stability.

In addition to improving knee stability, working the quadriceps can also help to increase power and endurance. Stronger quadriceps will allow you to push yourself harder during elliptical workouts, resulting in better results. If you are looking to improve your performance on the elliptical, then including some quadriceps exercises in your routine is a good idea.

There are a number of different ways that you can work the quadriceps on an elliptical machine. One option is to use the pedals backwards, which will target the quadriceps more than if you pedaled forwards. You can also adjust the resistance level on the elliptical to make the workout more challenging and target the quadriceps more effectively.


The hamstrings are a group of muscles located at the back of the thigh. These muscles are responsible for extending the hip and knee, and are often used in activities such as walking, running, and cycling. Elliptical trainers provide a great way to work the hamstrings, as they offer a low-impact cardio workout that is easy on the joints.

When using an elliptical trainer, it is important to keep the knees slightly bent in order to avoid putting too much strain on the hamstrings. Additionally, those with weak or tight hamstrings should be sure to warm up before using an elliptical trainer, as this can help prevent injury.


What muscles does an elliptical work? Some people think that the glutes are not very important in elliptical training, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The glutes are actually one of the most important muscle groups to target when using an elliptical machine. This is because they are responsible for a lot of the power and thrust that is necessary to keep the elliptical moving forward.

There are a few different ways that you can make sure that you are targeting your glutes properly on an elliptical machine.

  • Make sure that you are using a resistance setting that is challenging enough. If you feel like you could go faster or longer without having to stop, then the resistance is likely too low.
  • Make sure that you are placing your feet in the correct position on the pedals. This means that your heels should be down and your toes should be up.
  • Make sure that you are using a full range of motion. This means that you should be pushing all the way down with your feet and pulling all the way back up.

By doing these things, you will ensure that you are getting the most out of your elliptical workout and targeting your glutes effectively.


If you’re looking to give your calves a workout, the elliptical machine is a great option. This cardio equipment can provide a challenging lower-body workout that will help tone and build muscle in your calves.

When using the elliptical, be sure to keep your feet positioned so that they are flat on the footpads. This will ensure that you’re getting full range of motion in your calf muscles. You may also want to adjust the resistance level to make the workout more challenging.

Remember to warm up before using the elliptical and to cool down afterwards. Stretch your calves thoroughly before and after your workout. And as always, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated!

Gluteal Muscles

The gluteal muscles are a group of three muscles which make up the buttocks: the gluteus minimus, medius, and maximus. These muscles are responsible for extending, rotating, and abducting the hip. The gluteal muscles are some of the strongest in the body and are crucial for everyday movements such as walking, sitting, and standing.

The elliptical machine is a great way to work out your gluteal muscles. This low-impact cardio exercise provides a great workout for your legs and butt without putting undue stress on your joints. To target your glutes on the elliptical, be sure to keep your hips level and avoid arching your back. You should also focus on using a full range of motion and really pressing down through your heels to engage your glutes. For an extra challenge, try adding some resistance or incline to your elliptical workout.

Upper body muscles

The arms are the primary mover in the upper body during an elliptical workout. The legs and feet provide stability and power to the machine, but the arms are what give you a full-body workout. Depending on the handlebars you use, you can target different muscle groups in your arms. Standard handlebars work the triceps, biceps, and shoulder muscles, while moving handlebars also engage the chest muscles.

Most ellipticals have moving handlebars, which allow you to target different muscle groups in your arms. For example, you can target your triceps by using the outermost handles, or work your biceps by using the innermost handles. You can also engage your chest muscles by using the middle handles.

No matter which handlebars you use, you’ll also be working your shoulder muscles. To get the most out of your elliptical workout, be sure to keep your shoulders down and back, and avoid hunching them forward.

Back and Biceps

Some people believe that working the back and biceps in unison provides a more effective workout than when these muscle groups are worked separately. This is because the biceps help to stabilize the body during back exercises, and vice versa. Additionally, when the two muscle groups are worked together, it is easier to maintain good form and technique.

There are a variety of elliptical machine workouts that target both the back and biceps. One popular option is to use the elliptical in reverse motion. This helps to work the muscles in the opposite way that they are used during forward motion, providing a more well-rounded workout.

Another great way to target both muscle groups is to use resistance bands or hand weights while on the elliptical. This helps to further engage the muscles and can help to increase the intensity of the workout.

Chest and Triceps

To work your chest and triceps on an elliptical machine, you’ll need to adjust the resistance and incline settings. Higher resistance levels will help to tone your muscles, while a higher incline will help to target your chest more specifically. You may also want to consider using hand weights or holding onto the moving bars for added resistance. Remember to keep your arms close to your body and use a slow, controlled movement to avoid injury. Start with a few minutes of warm-up at a lower intensity before increasing the resistance and incline for your main workout. Then, cool down for a few minutes at the end of your session.

If you’re looking for a more intense chest and triceps workout, consider adding some elliptical intervals into your routine. Intervals are periods of time where you work at a higher intensity, followed by a brief rest or recovery period. For example, you might sprint for 30 seconds, then slow down to a moderate pace for 90 seconds. You can repeat this pattern for the duration of your workout. Just be sure to listen to your body and take breaks as needed to avoid over-exertion.

Read more: How to Use the Elliptical Trainer

The Benefits Of Using An Elliptical

The Benefits Of Using An Elliptical

Low impact workout:  One of the best things about an elliptical machine is that it’s a low-impact workout. This means it’s easy on your joints and muscles, making it a great option for people who are injury-prone or have joint pain.

Full body workout: An elliptical trainer provides a full-body workout, meaning it targets multiple muscle groups throughout your body. This makes it a great choice if you’re looking for an efficient workout that will give you results.

Burns calories: Elliptical trainers are excellent at burning calories and helping you lose weight. If you’re looking to slim down, this type of exercise machine can be very effective.

Low impact on joints: As we mentioned, elliptical trainers are low-impact, meaning they’re easy on your joints. This makes them a great choice for people with joint pain or other injuries.

Improves cardiovascular health: Regular elliptical training can help improve your cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and improving blood circulation.

Strengthens muscles: In addition to improving your cardiovascular health, elliptical trainers can also help strengthen and tone your muscles. This is because the pedaling motion works multiple muscle groups throughout your body.

Flexibility: Elliptical trainers can also help improve your flexibility. The pedaling motion helps stretch and lengthen your muscles, making them more flexible.

Low-impact on bones: Because elliptical trainers are low-impact, they’re also easy on your bones. This makes them a great choice for people with osteoporosis or other bone-related conditions.

Improves balance: The elliptical trainer is also great for improving your balance. This is because you have to use your core muscles to stabilize your body as you pedal.

How To Use An Elliptical For The Best Results?

If you’re looking for a workout that is both effective and low-impact, an elliptical machine may be the perfect choice for you. What muscles does an elliptical work? Ellipticals provide a great cardio workout by simulating the natural motion of running or walking without the impact on your joints. When used correctly, ellipticals can help you burn calories, tone muscles, and improve your overall fitness level.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your elliptical workout:

Start with a warm-up: Just like any other type of exercise, it’s important to warm up before using an elliptical machine. A quick 5-10 minute walk or light jog will do the trick. This will help prepare your body for the workout and reduce the risk of injury.

Use a moderate resistance: If you’re new to elliptical training, it’s best to start with a moderate resistance. As you become more comfortable with the machine, you can increase the resistance to make the workout more challenging.

Keep your hands in the correct position: Many people make the mistake of holding onto the handrails while using an elliptical machine. This can actually lead to poor form and increase your risk of injury. Instead, keep your hands in the moving arm handles and let your arms swing naturally as you pedal.

Maintain good form: Good form is key to getting the most out of your elliptical workout. Be sure to keep your back straight and avoid slouching. Keep your feet firmly planted on the pedals and resist the urge to cheat by using your momentum to swing the pedals around.

Cool down: Don’t forget to cool down after your workout! A 5-10 minute walk or light jog will help your body recover and reduce the risk of soreness. following these tips will help you get the most out of your elliptical workout and see the best results. Remember, consistency is key so be sure to make elliptical training a part of your regular routine.

Different Ways To Use The Elliptical Machine For A Variety Of Exercises

Forward and backward: You can use the elliptical machine in both a forward and backward motion. This will help target different muscle groups and give you a well-rounded workout.

Side to side: Another way to use the elliptical machine is by moving side to side. This will help work your oblique muscles, which are the muscles that run along the sides of your abdomen.

High intensity intervals: Interval training is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn more calories. To do this on an elliptical machine, start with a warm-up period of moderate intensity, followed by a period of high intensity. Then, return to moderate intensity and repeat.

Strength training: You can also use the elliptical machine for strength training by adding resistance. This will help work your muscles and improve your strength and endurance.

Arms only: For a true upper-body workout, disconnect the pedals from the arms so that you’re forced to move your arms in circles without any lower-body assistance.

Intervals: To keep your heart rate up and get the most out of your elliptical session, try intervals-alternating between periods of high and low intensity. “You could start with one minute at a higher resistance followed by one minute at a lower resistance, and repeat that pattern for the duration of your workout,” says Thompson.

One-legged: If you want to focus on one leg at a time, simply disconnect the arms and place one foot in each of the pedal straps. “You can also do this while holding onto the elliptical’s moving handlebars for balance,” says Smith.

Whether Or Not You Should Use An Elliptical Machine If You Have Joint Pain?

It depends on the severity of your joint pain. What muscles does an elliptical work? If you have mild joint pain, using an elliptical machine may actually help to reduce the pain by providing a low-impact workout. However, if you have severe joint pain, it is best to avoid using an elliptical machine and instead focus on other forms of exercise that are less likely to worsen your condition. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist for more specific recommendations.

How Can I Make Sure That I’m Using The Elliptical Correctly?

To make sure you are using the elliptical correctly, start by standing on the pedals with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, grip the handrails and begin pedaling forward. Remember to keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the entire exercise. If you need to increase the intensity, you can do so by increasing the resistance on the machine. Note, don’t hold your breath, breathe normally and evenly as you exercise. Finally, be sure to cool down for a few minutes after your workout by pedaling at a slower pace.

How Can I Burn 500 Calories On An Elliptical?

There are a few things you can do to maximize your calorie burn on an elliptical:

  • Increasing the resistance or incline on the machine
  • Picking up the pace and pedaling faster
  • Incorporating intervals into your workout by alternating between higher and lower intensity levels

If you’re looking to burn 500 calories specifically, aim for a moderate to high intensity level and keep your heart rate up for at least 45 minutes. Remember to warm up and cool down for a few minutes before and after your workout.

What Is The Best Cardio For Weight Loss?

The best cardio for weight loss is any type of exercise that raises your heart rate and helps you burn calories. Elliptical machines are a great option for this, as they provide a low-impact workout that can help you burn calories and lose weight. Other good options include running, swimming, and biking. If you’re looking to lose weight, it’s important to focus on both diet and exercise. Try incorporating elliptical machine workouts into your overall fitness routine to see the best results.

What Are The Best Ways To Use An Elliptical Machine?

If you want to get the most out of your elliptical workout, there are a few things you can do:

  • Vary your workout: To avoid boredom and plateauing, it’s important to vary your workout. You can do this by changing the resistance, incline, or speed.
  • Add intervals: Adding intervals to your elliptical workout can help you burn more calories and improve your fitness level.
  • Use proper form: Using proper form will help you get the most out of your workout and reduce your risk of injury.
  • Listen to your body: Take breaks as needed and stop if you start to feel pain or discomfort.

How Can I Mix Up My Elliptical Routine To Avoid Boredom?

How Can I Mix Up My Elliptical Routine To Avoid Boredom

If you’re looking for ways to mix up your elliptical routine, there are a few things you can do:

  • Vary the intensity: You can change the intensity of your workout by adjusting the resistance, incline, or speed.
  • Add intervals: Intervals can help you burn more calories and improve your fitness level.
  • Use proper form: Using proper form will help you get the most out of your workout and reduce your risk of injury.
  • Take breaks as needed: Don’t push yourself too hard – take breaks as needed and stop if you start to feel pain or discomfort.
  • Try new workouts: If you’re feeling bored with your elliptical routine, try mixing it up with new workouts or exercises. By following these tips, you can avoid boredom and make sure that you’re getting the most out of your elliptical workout.

What Are Some Common Mistakes People Make When Using Elliptical Machines?

One of the most common mistakes people make when using elliptical machines is not using the proper form. This can lead to injuries and decreased effectiveness of the workout. Additionally, people often use too much resistance, which can also lead to injuries. People should start with a low resistance and increase it gradually as they get used to the machine. Finally, people sometimes do not warm up properly before using an elliptical machine, which can lead to muscle strains.

Some common mistakes people make when using elliptical machines include:

  • Not using proper form: Using proper form will help you get the most out of your workout and reduce your risk of injury.
  • Not varying the intensity: If you don’t vary the intensity of your workout, you may become bored or plateau in your fitness level.
  • Not taking breaks as needed: It’s important to take breaks as needed and stop if you start to feel pain or discomfort.
  • Pushing yourself too hard: Don’t try to do too much too soon – start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. By avoiding these mistakes, you can make sure that you’re getting the most out of your elliptical workout.

How Can I Troubleshoot Any Problems I Have With My Elliptical Machine?

If you’re having problems with your elliptical machine, there are a few things you can do:

  • Check the manual: If you’re having trouble with your machine, the first thing you should do is check the manual.
  • Contact customer support: If you’re still having trouble, contact the customer support for your machine.
  • Check online resources: There are a number of online resources that can help you troubleshoot problems with your elliptical machine.


How long should I use the elliptical machine?

This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on individual goals and starting fitness levels. For some people, using the elliptical machine for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week may be enough to see results. However, for others, they may need to use the machine for 60 minutes a day, 7 days a week in order to see results. It really varies from person to person.

Is the elliptical machine a good workout?

The elliptical machine is a great option for people looking for a low-impact workout. So, What muscles does an elliptical work? It’s also a good choice if you’re short on time, as you can get a great workout in a relatively short period of time.

Can I lose weight by using an elliptical machine?

Yes, you can lose weight by using an elliptical machine. In fact, elliptical trainers are often used in weight loss programs. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, which means you need to burn more calories than you consume. Elliptical trainers can help you create this calorie deficit by providing a great workout.

Can I use the elliptical machine if I have joint pain?

What muscles does an elliptical work? If you have joint pain, elliptical trainers are a good option as they are low-impact. However, it’s important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed. If you start to feel pain or discomfort, stop and rest for a few minutes. You should also consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

How often should I use the elliptical machine?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on your individual fitness goals and level of activity. However, most experts recommend using the elliptical machine at least three times per week for best results. Additionally, many people find that using the elliptical machine first thing in the morning or after a workout can help them to better reach their fitness goals.

What does 30 minutes on the elliptical do?

30 minutes on the elliptical can burn up to 210 calories for a person weighing 155 pounds. It can also help to improve your cardiovascular fitness and muscle endurance. Additionally, 30 minutes on the elliptical can help you to tone your lower body, including your thighs, hips, and butt.

Can you get toned on an elliptical?

Yes, you can tone your body by using an elliptical. You will need to maintain a consistent routine and put in the effort to see results. Remember to focus on your form and use proper technique while you workout. What muscles does an elliptical work? With time and consistency, you will start to see toning in your arms, legs, and core. Keep up the good work!

Does the elliptical build muscle?

Yes, the elliptical can build muscle. It is a great cardio workout that can also help to build muscle. The elliptical works by providing resistance to your legs as you move them in a circular motion. This resistance helps to tone your leg muscles and can also help to build muscle mass.

Will an elliptical burn belly fat?

The answer is yes, an elliptical can burn belly fat. However, it is important to remember that spot reduction is not possible. In other words, you cannot target only your belly for weight loss. To lose weight and slim down your entire body, including your belly, you will need to create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume each day. An elliptical machine can help you burn the necessary calories for weight loss; however, diet and lifestyle changes are also important factors in achieving your desired results.

Is elliptical better than walking?

There are many benefits to elliptical training, including the ability to target multiple muscle groups and a lower impact on joints. Additionally, elliptical machines provide a cardiovascular workout that can be customized to each individual’s fitness level. For these reasons, ellipticals may be a better option than walking for some people. However, ultimately the best exercise is the one that you enjoy and will stick with over time. If you find yourself dreading your elliptical workouts, then it’s probably not the best option for you. Try out different types of exercise until you find something that you love and that gives you the results you’re looking for.


An elliptical trainer is a great piece of equipment to use in your home gym if you are looking for an aerobic workout. The elliptical works the glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves, as well as many other muscles in your body. If you are just starting out on the elliptical or have been using one for a while, be sure to read these tips on how to get the most out of your workout.

We hope that this information helps you achieve your fitness goals and answer the question “What Muscles Does An Elliptical Work?” Have you tried out an elliptical machine? If so, what did you think? Let us know in the comments below.

Further Reading:

Does The Elliptical Slim Your Waist?

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