Will I Lose More Weight On Treadmill Or Elliptical?

Will I Lose More Weight On Treadmill Or Elliptical?  What Is Better?

When it comes to working out and losing weight, there are so many options to choose from. You can go running outside, use the elliptical at the gym, or treadmill. But which one is the best for weight loss? It can be hard to decide which machine is right for you.

Will I Lose More Weight On Treadmill Or Elliptical

In article “Will I Lose More Weight On Treadmill Or Elliptical?”, we’re going to explore the differences between using a treadmill and elliptical for weight loss and see which one comes out on top. Keep reading to find out more!

What Are The Benefits Of Each Machine?

The treadmill and elliptical are both great machines that can help you lose weight. But each has its own unique benefits.

The treadmill is a great way to burn calories and get your heart rate up. You can also use it to vary your workouts by changing the speed or incline. This machine is also low-impact, so it’s easy on your joints.

The elliptical is another excellent choice for weight loss. It provides a low-impact workout and is easy on your joints. Additionally, the elliptical can help tone your muscles and improve your balance.

See more: Elliptical vs. Treadmill: Which Cardio Machine Is Better?

Which One Is Better For Weight Loss – Treadmill Or Elliptical Trainer?

It really depends on your goals and preferences. If you’re looking for a challenging workout that will burn a lot of calories, the treadmill may be a better option. But if you want a low-impact workout that’s easy on your joints, the elliptical could be a better choice.

No matter which machine you choose, make sure to vary your workouts and keep challenging yourself to see the best results. And don’t forget to add in some strength training and other cardio activities to mix things up.

How Do You Use Them Correctly To Get The Most Out Of Them?

If you want to see results from using a treadmill or elliptical, it’s important to use them correctly. First, make sure to warm up for 5-10 minutes before starting your workout. This will help prevent injuries and get your muscles ready for exercise.

Next, it’s important to maintain good form while using the machine. For the treadmill, stand tall with your shoulders back and down. Engage your core and keep your hands at hip level. And be sure to land lightly on your feet to avoid stress on your joints.

On the elliptical, stand up straight and hold on to the handrails if you need support. Keep your shoulders down and back, engage your core, and pedal evenly with each stride.

Finally, make sure to cool down after your workout and stretch your muscles. This will help your body recover and prevent injuries.

Are There Any Other Factors You Should Take Into Account When Choosing Between A Treadmill And Elliptical Trainer For Weight Loss Purposes?

Yes, there are a few other factors you should consider when choosing between a treadmill and elliptical trainer for weight loss. First, think about your fitness level. If you are new to exercise, the elliptical trainer may be a better option as it is lower impact than the treadmill. Additionally, if you have any joint issues, the elliptical trainer may also be a better choice.

Another factor to consider is your motivation level. If you tend to get bored easily, the treadmill may be a better option as you can vary your workouts more. However, if you like routines and sticking to set programs, the elliptical trainer may be better suited for you.

Finally, think about your goals. If you are looking to lose a significant amount of weight, the treadmill may be a better option as it can help you burn more calories. However, if you are looking to tone your muscles and improve your cardiovascular fitness, the elliptical trainer may be a better choice.

What Should You Consider Before Making Your Purchase Decision?

When deciding between a treadmill and elliptical trainer, there are a few things you should consider. First, think about your goals. If you’re looking for a challenging workout that will burn a lot of calories, the treadmill may be a better option. However, if you want a low-impact workout that is easy on your joints, the elliptical trainer may be a better choice.

Next, consider your budget. Treadmills can be more expensive than elliptical trainers, so if cost is a factor, this may sway your decision.

Finally, think about where you will be using the machine. If you have limited space in your home or apartment, an elliptical trainer may be a better option as it takes up less space than a treadmill.


Both machines have their own set of pros and cons, and the best choice for you will depend on your individual fitness goals and needs. If you’re looking to burn calories and lose weight, then either machine can be a good option – just make sure to adjust the intensity level so that you’re working hard enough to see results.

We hope this article has helped provide some guidance on making that decision. Have you tried out both machines? Which do you prefer? Let us know in the comments below!

Further Reading:

Do Ellipticals Make Your Legs Bigger?

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